This is a quick video about how to analyze your landing pages like an SEO Pro.
What is a landing page?
In terms of Google Analytics, a landing page is any point of entry on a website. Whether it's accessed via hyperlink, a bookmarked page, or organic search.
According to, it's "the section of a website accessed by clicking a hyperlink on another web page, typically the website's home page."
Hubspot says, "A landing page is a website page that allows you to capture a visitor's information through a lead form."
So, while a landing page can be many different things to many different companies, in terms of this video, we're going to be speaking about the Landing Page Report in Google Analytics, meaning, any point of entry to your website.
This video will show you how an SEO looks at the landing pages on your website to offer suggestions on improving bounce rate and conversion rates, whether it's micro conversions (signing up for a newsletter) or macro conversions (buying a tee-shirt).
Try this on your own and see how your website is doing, figure out which landing pages are working for you and which are not. Then try to make adjustments as needed. Leave any questions in the comments!